Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Post

Have you ever wondered what creatures the fantasy authors who are the experts on all things magical choose to dress up as for Halloween? I do. I just wonder in general what authors are dressing up as for Halloween, whether they write fantasy or not.
So I did what anyone would do. I emailed every single author (within reason. There are a LOT of them) I could track down and asked the following questions:

What are you going to be for Halloween?

Some optional questions were:
1) What is your favorite kind of candy?
2) Which do you prefer: tricks or treats?
3) Do you have any funny Halloween stories you would like to share?
I recieved way more emails from people who wanted to participate than I ever dreamed I could, mainly because the wonderful Kay Cassidy, author of The Cinderella Society, posted my request on the Tenners' (authors whose books are to be released in 2010) site.
Here is what they said:

Aprilynne Pike, author of WINGS said:
“Um . . . a faerie??? *ducks and hides*”
Don’t worry Aprilynne. We love fairies too!!!

"I'm not sure what I'll be this year, but my last costume was Distraught Prom Queen (people thought I was Courtney Love--haha! I take that as a compliment)."

Anastasia Hopcus,
author of SHAWDOW HILLS (July 2010 Egmont USA) said: “I am going to be zombie Little Red Riding Hood. My favorite Halloween candy is Candy Corn, but my favorite regular candy would have to be Sour Patch Kids. I much prefer treats, as I am not someone who likes being tricked; I hate April Fools day. The only funny Halloween story I can recall is one year when I was in middle school a young couple in our neighborhood ran out of candy so they handed out chocolate covered espresso beans. After going to their house my friends and I were extra hyper.”

Mindi Scott, author of FREFALL (October 2010 Simon Pulse) said:
“I'm going to be Barbie for Halloween. Zombie Barbie, actually, because my husband and I are going to a cartoon zombie party thing. (He's going to be Zombie Ken.)"

Hiedi Kling, author of SEA (June 10, 2010) said that she is going to be a Mummy Queen!!

Kay Cassidy, author of THE CINDERELLA SOCIETY said:
"I'm not actually dressing up this year, but I'm very excited because I finally found a cute Halloween sweatshirt to wear every year. So I'll be hanging out with our neighbors, taking pictures and passing out candy (but sneaking some Twizzlers for myself and hoping no one notices). ;-) I used to love going trick or treating with my brother and my cousin and running as fast as we could from house to house. We would take pillowcases as our Halloween bags and, when they got too full to carry, we'd run back to our house and dump them before heading out to fill up again. My favorite part though? After trick or treating when we'd all sort our Halloween stash into piles (ENORMOUS piles) and spend hours trading each other for our favorites. I was a serious negotiator for Kit Kats, let me tell you. :-)"

Bree Despain,
author of THE DARK DIVINE (debuting 12/22/09 from Egmont USA) said:

(ABOVE: Bree Despain with her son. Seriously, how cute is this photo!? I love it so much!)
"I'm being a Wild Thing from Where the Wild Things Are. My 3 year old is being Max. My fave Halloween candy is 100 Grand. I prefer treats, especially of a chocolate nature. The only Halloween story I can think of is that we ALWAYS dress up for Halloween, and our neighbors and friends start asking us weeks in advance what we are planning on being. Also, my husband usually makes our costumes. He knows how to sew!"

Elizabeth Scott, author of SOMETHING MAYBE , LOVE YOU HATE YOU MISS YOU, and soon to be released THE UNWRITTEN RULE (Simon Pulse, April 2010) said:
"I'm actually going out to dinner at a restaurant where you're expected to dress up, so instead of my usual jeans and t-shirt, I'll be in a dress. (Scary!!!) I may even wear heels....Favorite kind of candy: Hey, if it's free, you can't really go wrong with that. Although, thanks to my awesome blog readers, I do know that candy corn is most definitely not a favorite for many people..Which do you prefer: Trick or Treat? Treat! Preferably loads of them."

Victoria Schwab,
author of NEAR WITCH (Disney Hyperion 2011) said:
“I am going as a cupcake. My favorite candy is snickers, and I like to give tricks, but receive treats! In past years I have been a ninja, a musketeer, a dark angel, and Batman.”

Lindsay Eland, author of SCONES AND SENSIBILITY (December 22, 2009) said:

“Why, Jane Austen, of course! Complete with white gloves, and elegant bonnet! I am a snickers fan, all the way! I prefer treats… unless of course I am the one doing a trick on someone, then it is kind of fun! I love to scare people but I don’t like to be scared. In Junior High, me and my best friend thought it would be fun to toilet paper a friends house...never thought that the eight rolls we tried to take from my house past my mom and out the front door. We didn’t think it would ever lead to suspicion. That was the last of my not-so extensive toilet papering experience.”

Wendy Toliver, author of THE SECRET LIFE OF A TEENAGED SIREN said: “This year I'm going as a vampire because my husband wanted to go as a werewolf. My favorite candy is definitely chocolate and I'm guilty of stealing the Almond Joys and Butterfingers out of the trick-or-treat stash. I definitely prefer treats to tricks.”

And as segway into my Halloween Contest, Melissa De La Cruz, author of the bestselling BLUE BLOODS series answered a few questions in during her interview in early October.

When asked what her favorite Halloween of all time was, she said: “I use to dress up every year as a socialite. One year I dressed up as Jackie Kenedy. I wanted to go as Jackie Kenedy after the assassination and everyone was like you can’t do that! You can’t make fun of that! It’s sacred American history. So I just went as Jackie Kenedy and that was really fun.
When asked what she is going as this year, she said: “We are going as star wars family. My husband is Darth Vader and I am going to be Princess Leia. We are deffinately dorking out. And the kid is going as Yoda but she says that she wants to go as Ariel. We keep trying to convince her that Yoda is a princess and we keep calling him Princess Yoda.”
And in a (belated) celebration of Halloween, I have decided to post another contest. This time, it is for a signed copy of Melissa's book, BLUE BLOODS, the first in the series!
To enter, please comment with your email address and answer the question, what were you for halloween?
You will recieve 1 extra entry for:
1) Tweeting this contest (please leave a link to said tweet.)
2) Adding me to your blog roll (please leave a link to your blog.)
3) You will recieve 1 extra entries for blogging about this contest (please leave a link to the post.)
You will recieve 10 extra entries for becoming a follower of this blog.
The deadline for this contest will be two months from today, on January 4th, giving everyone a pleasant amount of time to forget about the contest and then be pleasantly surprised if you win! And it will be a fun way to kick off the new year, don't you think?

If I forgot to include you or a picture of you in this post and you wanted to be included, please email me at officiallymrs(at)gmail(dot)com and I will add you in!!! If I did forget you, it wasn't personal, I just had a TON of emails for this and lacked the proper organization required (I fail at organization).
More to come,


Anastasia Hopcus said...

I love seeing these costumes---they were all fantastic! Zombie Barbie & Ken and Lindsay's Jane Austen were my faves, though. I love the attention to detail. Oh, and the picture of Max and his wild thing was so sweet!

Mardel said...

That was a fun post to read. Nice.

BTW, how is your NaNo writing doing?

Hope you had a fun Halloween. We only had two groups of trick-or-treaters. If it weren't for the grandchildren we would have had a lot of candy left over. As it was, the two groups of kids got huge handfuls of candy! :)

Kay Cassidy said...

The feature turned out SO cute!! Thanks so much for including me. :-) (Btw, could Lindsay look any more darling? It's so her!)

Elaine G said...

wow..alot of authors responded,that's great.

I did dress up for halloween,I just handed out candy.

+10 I am a follower


Mindi Scott said...

Very cool! Thank you for setting up this fun post. :-)

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