To learn more about Sarah and her books go to http://www.sarahdessen.com/ , http://www.sarah-land.com/ or keep coming back to OfficiallyMRS every day this week to read more reviews of Sarah's books.
More to come,
More to come,
"Along for the Ride"
In Sarah's Words
A lot of people were surprised when it was announced that I’d have a
new book coming out in Summer 2009, only a year after my last novel, Lock and Key. I can relate. It was kind of a shock to me, as well.
I wrote Lock and Key while I was pregnant, and edited it in the last few months before my daughter was born. Writing and editing is never that easy for me, and when you factor in the hormones and all the other fun stuff that comes along with carrying a baby, it was quite a wild ride. Suffice to say, I was more than ready to take a big, long break from writing to focus on being a mom. Or so I thought.About three months after she was born, though, this idea started to
come to me, bubbling up in my sleep-deprived mind. I was up at all hours, feeding the baby, trying to sleep or trying to stay awake, and it got me thinking about the night, and how it can seem so long or so short, depending on what you have waiting for you in the morning. I’d look out my window at three or four a.m.—times I was never coherent before motherhood—see a light on in the distance, and wonder who else was up, and why. There was a whole other world at night, one I’d been completely unaware of, and it made me start thinking about the people who chose to live in it, and how they found themselves there. That’s where Auden’s story began.Some books are incredibly hard to write. Most are, actually. But this one, for me, was a little escape once in a while, and I was more grateful for it than I expected. I wrote Along for the Ride in my daughter’s room, while she slept downstairs, and in the guestroom, while she babbled to the babysitter. I stole half hours here, afternoons there, taking what I could get and using it to get more, and then more, on the page. And when I got stuck, I’d often look out the window and see one of my husband’s friends go zooming by on a bike, taking flight on one of the dirt jumps in my backyard. It was a crazy and chaotic way to write a book, and not at all the kind of structured, methodical approach I’d always used before. And you know what? Somehow, it just worked.So I might be surprised to find myself here, with a new novel, so soon after the last one. But more than anything, I am grateful. This is the story I was clearly ready to tell. I can’t wait for you to hear it.
Following her parents' bitter divorce, Auden has the chance to spend the summer with her dad and his new family in a charming beach town. There she meets Eli, and together they embark on parallel quests: for Auden, to experience the carefree life she's been denied; for Eli, to come to terms with the guilt he feels for the death of a
This is a wonderful book and one of my favorites (third on the list, if we are being exact) of Sarah's. It is currently Number 1 on the NY Times Bestseller List!! Congrats Sarah on such a wonderful book!
To learn more about Sarah and her books go to http://www.sarahdessen.com/ , http://www.sarah-land.com/ or keep coming back to OfficiallyMRS every day this week to read more reviews of Sarah's books.
More (Sarah Dessen) to come,
Living on a peach farm in South Carolina with her harsh, unyielding father,
Lily Owens has shaped her entire life around one devastating, blurred
memory--the afternoon her mother was killed, when Lily was four. Since then, her
only real companion has been the fierce-hearted, and sometimes just fierce,
black woman Rosaleen, who acts as her "stand-in mother."
When Rosaleen
insults three of the deepest racists in town, Lily knows it's time to spring
them both free. They take off in the only direction Lily can think of, toward a
town called Tiburon, South Carolina--a name she found on the back of a picture
amid the few possessions left by her mother.
There they are taken in by an
eccentric trio of black beekeeping sisters named May, June, and August. Lily
thinks of them as the calendar sisters and enters their mesmerizing secret world
of bees and honey, and of the Black Madonna who presides over this household of
strong, wise women. Maternal loss and betrayal, guilt and forgiveness entwine in
a story that leads Lily to the single thing her heart longs for most.
Secret Life of Bees has a rare wisdom about life--about mothers and daughters
and the women in our lives who become our true mothers. A remarkable story about
the divine power of women and the transforming power of love, this is a stunning
debut whose rich, assured, irresistible voice gathers us up and doesn't let go,
not for a moment. It is the kind of novel that women share with each other and
that mothers will hand down to their daughters for years to come.
Also, it has recently come to my attention that you can read an online copy (or the first 81 pages)of Maureen Johnson's "13 Little Blue Envelopes"
Cover of 13 Little Blue Envelopes
Image by Jess ::as cute as ever:: via Flickr
1) Work in their pajamas
2) Lie
3) Screw with people's lives (in this case, her characters)
Here is the synopsis from Ally's website (and I believe that it is on the back of the book as well...)
When Cammie “The Chameleon” Morgan visits her roommate Macey in Boston, she thinks she’s in for an exciting end to her summer break. After all, she’s there to watch Macey’s father accept the nomination for vice president of the United States. But when you go to the world’s best school (for spies), “exciting” and “deadly” are never far apart. Cammie and Macey soon find themselves trapped in a kidnappers’ plot, with only their espionage skills to save them.
As her junior year begins, Cammie can’t shake the memory of what happened in Boston, and even the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women doesn’t feel like the safe haven it once did. Shocking secrets and old flames seem to lurk around every one of the mansion’s corners as Cammie and her friends struggle to answer the questions Who is after Macey? And how can the Gallagher Girls keep her safe?
Soon Cammie is joining Bex and Liz as Macey’s private security team on the campaign trail. The girls must use their spy training at every turn as the stakes are raised, and Cammie gets closer and closer to the shocking truth…
Ally was the first author I have ever met personally, although I know many, many through twitter and facebook (oh the wonders of technology). You can find Ally on twitter and myspace as well her personal page.
If you have not read the Gallagher Girls series, I would highly recommend it! These stories are well written, well thought out, and really great, fun reads!!!
If you have never been to a "meet the author" or book signing, keep your eyes open as it is a great opportunity to really connect with authors and the books that they write. Check author websites and call your local bookstores to see if any authors are headed your way.
Thank you so much to Anderson's bookshop for hosting the event! We had an amazing time. Also, thank you Ally! You are so talented and an all around really nice, fun person. It was awesome meeting you!
More to come,
P.S. Here is a cool video I found with Ally Carter talking about the series. It is very sleek and "spylike" and I enjoyed watching it.
Miles Halter is fascinated by famous last words--and tired of his safe life at home. He leaves for boarding school to seek what the dying poet Francois Rabelais called the "Great Perhaps." Much awaits Miles at Culver Creek, including Alaska Young. Clever, funny, screwed-up, and dead sexy, Alaska will pull Miles into her labyrinth and catapult him into the Great Perhaps.
To learn more about John Green and his books, go to http://sparksflyup.com/ , friend him on facebook or follow himn twitter!
More to come,
My summer has consisted of way more than just books though. As you will learn about me, music is also a huge part of my life. A few days ago, I preformed at the graduating high school seniors graduation. During the ceremony, our musical director got up and gave one of the most beautiful speeches that I have ever heard. After an incredibly difficult year for him personally, he talked about "what makes you sing." In other words, what makes you you, what makes us all unique from one another, what makes us all get up in the morning, our motivations, the things that define our lives, the things we truly love and those things that we are truly talented at. Our passions. He described what it felt like for him to sing and how much a part of his life the arts were and how singing had become his passion in life, what made him him. Those passions that we find as we get older will always have a special meaning in our lives. So just as our director wished that we would find our passions or "what makes us sing" I wish the very same to you. Find what makes you sing, and love it, breathe it, live it.
And if you want to find out more about the books or just stalk Stephenie Meyer go to http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/
Now onto square two. Let’s talk Potter. Harry Potter.
I’m pretty sure that at this point everyone knows the basics, if not the extreme details, of Harry Potter, but in case you are living under a rock, Harry Potter is a book about wizards and the magical world that was created by J.K. Rowling. There is a major theme of genocide against a race called muggle-borns. Your going to have to read the books or come out from underneath that rock you’re living under to find out what I’m talking about for the rest of the section of this blog because I personally feel like an idiot for stating the obvious about this book.
Have we all seen the clip for the 6th movie, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, which is coming out July 15th? Let’s make sure.
If you want to see the rest of the trailers, click on the picture below.
If you haven’t read the books, then give them a try. They aren’t very hard books to get through because they are very addictive and fun, relatively easy reads. Some people don’t like the Harry Potter series because they feel repetitive. I, however, feel that each book is very unique to the others. I read them out of order because I started reading the books on a dare, and although it was somewhat difficult to follow, I realized that each book in this series is unique unto itself in many aspects. They are fantastic books and at this point, I think they are a must read. If you decide not to read the books, then do go see the movies. They are really good movies, even if they don’t exactly match up with the books themselves. They are not very consistent with the details through the different movies because no two movies have been led by the same director. An example of this is how the dementors are different in the third and fifth movies, but there are many, many more examples. All of the actors in the movie are very talented, popular actors in Britain. It is really worth going to go see the movies just for the special effects. If you can, go see the movie in Imax. It is a really incredible experience!!!!
Even though I know there are many other books such as the Dark Materials series, the Eragon books, and the Mortal Instruments series that are pretty basic to the YA section of the library, I feel like these two are the ones that have created the biggest empire at this point and need to be recognized at this time. I will be sure to blog about the other series as well when I get the chance.